The ULTRA CHARGE 1000 emergency starter and battery tester works with a new technology that uses ultracapacitors instead of normal lead or lithium batteries to start vehicles. He manages to develop a maximum power of 700A. It is a great device to keep always with you.
The function of supercapacitors is to accumulate in a short time a very substantial amount of energy from the battery of the vehicle to start (partially discharged), allowing in a few seconds to start the same vehicle from which they have absorbed the charge.
Awelco ULTRA CHARGE 1000 complements this new technology with a small internal 6000 mAh lithium battery which can recharge the ultracapacitors over and over if the vehicle battery is at zero or very low, and therefore it is extremely versatile.
The technology used for this model has the great advantage of lasting very long, since the capacitors can be discharged and recharged thousands of times before losing effectiveness. This product can start petrol and diesel vehicles of small, medium and large displacement, supplying a high amount of current for a limited time.
In addition, the tester function consists of checking the voltage and the internal resistance of the vehicle battery.
It is also equipped with fixed or flashing light.
Awelco has been committed for over 42 years to providing its customers with a highly satisfactory value for money, thanks to constant innovation, technological research and MADE IN ITALY guarantee.