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HOME Workshop and Do-It-Yourself Electric Air Compressors Coaxial Air Compressors for hobby use (25 - 50 L)

Coaxial air compressors for hobby use â–º 25 and 50 L

Choose from 97 models of Coaxial Air Compressors for hobby use (25 - 50 L) in Stock, with Free Shipping and with Free 30-day Return*

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Coaxial Hobby Air Compressors (25-50 liters)

Coaxial Hobby Air Compressors (25-50 liters);

Hobby-grade coaxial air compressors: when to buy one?

The category includes all electric coaxial air compressors also known as direct air compressors. In these machines, in fact, the motor is directly connected to the pumping unit, without belts and pulleys, thus making these air compressors compact, lightweight and easy to use. The air connections are universal, therefore compatible with all the already existing accessories for compressed air.

These air compressors are highly appreciated by hobbyists and domestic users, thanks to their small size and power suitable for most operations such as: painting, inflating tires, cleaning, air blowing and other domestic applications.
The models in this category are mainly differentiated by the ability of the head of the pumping unit (expressed in liters per minute L/min) and for the motor that drives it, with powers ranging from 1.0 HP to 3 HP.

The most popular models for hobby use are those with 2 HP motor as they provide good performance. For those looking for the best performance at a semi-professional level, we recommend models ranging from 2.5 to 3 HP. 25 and 50 litres electric air compressors can be easily transported on wheels and are all fitted with a single-phase motor. Therefore, standard 3 kW household current is sufficient to power these tools, which can draw a maximum of 2.2 kW. The brands available in our catalogue are international manufacturers of electric air compressors, known for their excellent product quality, which also guarantee sales assistance and spare parts.

All you need for Workshop and Do-It-Yourself . A range of over 97 Coaxial Air Compressors for hobby use (25 - 50 L) at the best price sale on the online market.
Our 2025 AgriEuro catalogue is constantly enriched and updated showing competitive prices from € 170.07 up to € 852.13