In this category you can find the most modern and popular olive harvesters, featuring excellent convenience of mechanics combined with an equally high ease of use.
These electric olive harvesters are powered by a 12V battery and they can work in all conditions, on every plant and olive type, ensuring a particularly high collection capacity while maintaining an affordable price.
This type of battery-powered olive harvesters is very innovative for:
-AREA COVERED BY THE MOVEMENT: the rake movement of this olive harvesters covers an extremely large horizontal area thanks to its lateral movement. Moreover, the two rake rows are very long, that is why these tools are really popular and have high penetration capacity of the olive tree.
-METHOD OF USE: these olive harvesters are really user-friendly, usually passed vertically through the plant, simulating the action of a comb from top to bottom and vice versa. For thickest trees, a technique of repeated plunges in a random manner following the concentration of olives in the plant is usually used..
-CULTIVAR: these olive harvesters are suitble for all trees thanks to their thin head that allows to deeply comb even the thickest plants, not pruned and very intricated.
-OLIVE TYPE: this tools are suitable for olives that are resistant to detachment but small and medium-sized. For larger olives it is recommended to choose electric harvesters with single rotary motion.