The most powerful electric grain mill on the market (from the category of amateur electric mills for domestic use).
The first one to feature 1600W power
M6 electric grain mill is specific to grind any type of cereal (wheat, barley, rye, oats, etc.) or any other non-oily product.
Easy to disassemble, allows a fairly high production considering its small size. Thanks to its particular structure, this electric grain mill can grind cereals without emitting dust into the surrounding environment.
It is an traditional electric mill with bin, equipped with high-speed single-phase brushed electric motor with forced ventilation and three metal legs that allow to insert a bin below to collect the milled product.
The yield ranges from 20 to 350 kg/h depending on the type of cereal and sieve.
This mill is suitable for strictly amateur and home use for small-scale production of milled cereals for a limited amount of self-reared livestock.
Recommended for medium-hard cereals (such as corn), less suitable for particularly hard and woody-shelled cereals (such as wheat, barley, oats), especially if you need to grind a good amount of product. The latter can be ground in small quantities, adding it slowly (to avoid overheating), narrowing the hopper opening thanks to the special sheet metal rectangle.
In this case we suggest higher level machines (semi-professional or heavy-duty), equipped instead with induction motor and a larger steel grinding system, featuring numerous steel hammers (available on our website)
Using one of the 3 sieves included (easily interchangeable) you can obtain flours of different finenesses that can be used for cattle, chickens, pigs, rabbits, chicks, etc.
IMPORTANT: this electric grain mill with bin for cereals features sophisticated safety systems preventing access to moving and dangerous parts. This means maximum safety for the operator.
WARNING: not suitable to produce flour for human use. The components and materials used are not food-grade. Also, it has absolutely no system for separating flour from bran. The electric grain mill with bin is exclusively suitable to grind cereals for livestock feeding.