SevenItaly Efesto 80X50 outdoor wood-fired oven - direct cooking:
Excellent for all outdoor cooking enthusiasts looking for an oven of the highest quality, built entirely in Italy.
The thick refractory bricks (Chamotte) act as a cooking surface, guaranteeing very good thermal efficiency and perfect cooking, which will make your pizza tasty and crispy. In addition, the bricks are guaranteed and certified for food use.
It comes complete with:
- Wood holder plate that allows the embers not to spread inside the cooking chamber
- Flue pipe with valve to regulate the flow of fumes and thus the temperature inside the cooking chamber
- Stainless steel chimney cap
- Panel for the fire opening
The cooking chamber of this oven measures 80 cm in width and 50 cm in depth, allowing you to prepare any desired dish.
The roof of the cooking chamber is made of mirror-polished stainless steel, which guarantees optimal heat distribution for an always perfect pizza crust.
The outer structure is made of electro-galvanised steel that protects the machine from the weather and heat, ensuring a long and durable life.
The insulation between the two sides of the oven is made of natural rock wool, the best material for this type of application. It allows the oven shell not to redden, thus obtaining an important thermal efficiency, fundamental to the success of your dishes.
Cooking capacity:
- Number of pizzas at a time: 3
- Bread quantity: 5 Kg
Flue pipe fully made of stainless steel: Ø 120 mm