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2-Stroke Backpack Sprayer

Choose from 11 models of 2-Stroke Backpack Sprayers in Stock, with Free Shipping and with Free 30-day Return*

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2-Stroke Backpack Sprayers

Atomizzatori a Scoppio Spalleggiati

When should you buy a 2-stroke sprayer?

In this category, Agrieuro offers a wide choice of backpack sprayers equipped with 2-stroke engine, particularly suitable for pesticide treatments, for foliar fertiliser and other pulverulent treatments in all areas of agriculture.

This line of backpack 2-stroke sprayers is composed by very compact machines, easy to use and wear thanks to their small size and integrated straps. In fact, they are provided with backrest with anatomical padding, professional type, to guarantee excellent comfort and reduce vibrations of 2-stroke engines.

All models of 2-stroke backpack sprayer are ideal for small and medium crops, or crops where you cannot use classic tractor mounted sprayers.
Another strength of these backpack sprayers is that, by removing the spraying accessory and blocking the liquid supply, they can function as leaf blowers, to remove leaves from streets and driveways. The models equipped with this feature are particularly popular for their versatility.

All you need for Spraying treatments and weeding . A range of over 11 2-Stroke Backpack Sprayers at the best price sale on the online market.
Our 2025 AgriEuro catalogue is constantly enriched and updated showing competitive prices from € 199.84 up to € 787.05