Knapsack Sulphur Sprayers - Dusters

Treating plants is indispensable during the summer season, to prevent the formation of diseases and fungi, and to preserve the integrity of the harvest.
One of the most suitable tools for this operation is the knapsack duster.
This tool is recommended for treatments on large plots of land, vineyards and vegetable gardens. It features a knapsack harness that ensures weight balancing and great comfort and practicality of use during spraying treatments.
What it consists of
As mentioned, the machine features an ergonomic backpack to be worn by the operator that balances weight and makes operation more comfortable. It is also equipped with:
- A tank, which features a powder regulator through which the powder is conveyed to the radial fan;
- The fan is driven by a motor mounted on the inside of the machine body;
- The controls, usually located near the outlet head diffuser.
A wide selection of sulphur sprayers and dusters for a sheer variety of uses
AgriEuro offers an excellent range of sulphurs and dusters which are classified and divided according to their operating principle:
- Battery-powered knapsack sulphur sprayers: which consist of a tank from which the dust is pushed out through a piston operated by the electric motor. The models of battery-powered knapsack sulphur sprayers by Volpi, for example, are designed to carry out sulphur treatments on vineyards and other crops that require powder treatments.
Equipped with rechargeable batteries and a tank with a capacity of 6 kg of sulphur, they are mainly suitable for small crops. - Knapsack manual sulphur sprayers: also called manual dusters, are suitable for small treatments with both sulphur and other types of products.
These tools represent the most traditional type of sulphur dusters and are very popular for their ease of use which derives from their manual operation.
All you need for Spraying treatments and weeding . A range of over 4
Sulphur Sprayers - Knapsack Dusters at the best price sale on the online market.
Our 2025 AgriEuro catalogue is constantly enriched and updated showing competitive prices from € 164.38 up to € 293.12