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Rear Tractor-mounted Grader Blades - 120 to 250 cm Rear Blades

Choose from 23 models of Tractor-mounted Grader Blades in Stock, with Free Shipping and with Free 30-day Return*

  • â–º The medium series grader blades with manual adjustment level moderate agricultural and road surfaces. Suitable for hobby and semi-professional work; suitable for tractors up to 60 HP;
  • â–º Heavy-duty, manually adjustable grader blades are designed for grading agricultural and road surfaces of medium extension and hardness. Semi-pro and professional products for tractors up to 100 HP;
  • â–ºThe hydraulic grader blade's heavy-duty series allow quick and precise adjustment thanks to the hydraulic system adapting to the surface to be levelled. Professional models for tractors up to 100 HP.

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Rear Tractor-mounted Grader Blades

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Tractor-mounted Grader Blades: what is their function?

Rear tractor-mounted grader blades are suitable for agricultural, land maintenance and gardening work. The main function of tractor-mounted grader blades is flattening the soil, in order to avoid water stagnation and unnecessary waste in irrigation. Another function of tractor-mounted grader blades is lifting soil from ditches quickly and accurately. It can also be used to remove snow in courtyards and large spaces.

Tractor-mounted grader blades also have other functions. In fact, on a well leveled ground it is possible to operate with large machines in order to contain costs and increase productivity.

Rear tractor-mounted grader bladescan also work outside the roadway. Thanks to their double system, they can rotate 360° on a pivot, as well as being moved sideways in various positions.

Our website offers different types of tractor mounted grader blades, for different needs:

All you need for Transport, Handling, Land Levelling – Tractor-mounted Agricultural Machinery . A range of over 23 Tractor-mounted Grader Blades at the best price sale on the online market.
Our 2025 AgriEuro catalogue is constantly enriched and updated showing competitive prices from € 576.47 up to € 2,041.09